从 Kafka 导入数据到 Databend Cloud
wubx11月 17, 2022
This post will guide you through the process of loading data from Kafka, a message queueing system, into Databend Cloud.
In this post:
- 1. Creating a Table in Databend Cloud
- 2. Obtaining a Connection String from Databend Cloud
- 3. Installing databend-py
- 4. Developing Your Program
- Useful Links
1. Creating a Table in Databend Cloud
Sign in to Databend Cloud, and create a table (for example, using the following script) on Worksheets > New Worksheet.
create table orders(
ordertime UInt64,
orderid UInt64,
itemid varchar,
orderunits float,
address json
2. Obtaining a Connection String from Databend Cloud
- In Databend Cloud, select the Home tab, then click Connect.
- Click Reset DB password to generate a new password, then click on the generated password to copy and save it to a secure place.
The connection string in the snapshot above provides the following information about the connection:
- host='tn3ftqihs--bl.ch.aws-us-east-2.default.databend.com',
- database="default",
- user="cloudapp",
- password=
3. Installing databend-py
databend-py is a Python SQL driver for Databend Cloud that provides a standard SQL interface for users to manipulate data in Databend Cloud.
To install databend-py:
pip install databend-py
pip install kafka-python
Test the connection string with the following code. Verify that it returns "1" without any errors.
from databend_py import Client
client = Client(
print(client.execute("SELECT 1"))
4. Developing Your Program
4.1 Loading Data
Write code to perform the following tasks for data loading:
- To connect to Kafka, you need to install the dependency kafka-python.
Kafka information:
Topic: s3_topic
For a Kafka cluster, separate multiple addresses by commas.
- Connect to a warehouse in Databend Cloud.
- Get data from Kafka.
- Get a presigned URL.
- Upload your file.
- Load data from the file with COPY INTO.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from databend_py import Client
import os
import io
import requests
import time
from kafka import KafkaConsumer
consumer = KafkaConsumer('s3_topic', bootstrap_servers = '')
client = Client(
def get_url(file_name):
sql="presign upload @~/%s"%(file_name)
_, row = client.execute(sql)
url = row[0][2]
return url
def upload_file(url,content):
response=requests.put(url, data=content)
def load_file(table_name, file_name):
copy_sql="copy into %s from @~ files=('%s') file_format=(type='ndjson') purge=true"%(table_name,file_name)
def get_table_num(table_name):
sql="select count(*) from %s"%(table_name)
_, row=client.execute(sql)
# you can increase this value to increase the throughput
step = 10000
for msg in consumer:
c = c+msg.value+b'\n'
i = i + 1
if i % step == 0 :
url = get_url(file_name)
content = io.BytesIO(c)
r = upload_file(url,content)
c= b''